What types
of merchants does GPC International sign up?
International processes credit and debit card transactions
for hundreds of retailers and and Internet herbal, pharma, vitamins and dietary supplements nutraceuticals businesses. We are experts in the nutraceutical credit card processing industry. Whether you are building an e-commerce Web site to sell monthly (continuity) , a traditional brick-and-mortar herbal supplements or pharmacy business or a mail order/telephone order business (MOTO), you will want to open a GPC Domestic or International merchant account, which enables you to accept credit cards and/or ATM/debit cards as payment
for customer purchases.
How long before I can accept credit and/or
ATM/debit cards (i.e., the account is live)? |
Once your merchant account is approved,
which usually takes two herbal supplements or online pharmacy business days, you will be able to
accept cards the very next day for your herbal supplements or online pharmacy business.
I'm not sure
what terminal, equipment or software I should buy. What is
best for my business? |
Whether you are starting a new herbal supplements or online pharmacy business or
expanding an existing one, GPC International has the
payment solution to support your processing needs. GPC
International serves traditional and Internet businesses, as
well as restaurants, mail order/telephone order and home-based
Suggested services and typical merchant accounts approved are:
High Volume Internet Vitamin and Supplement Websites
Diet and Weight Loss Supplements
Legal Plant Based Botanicals Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom)
Male and Sexual Enhancements
Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)
Fat Burners and Extracts
Mood Enhancement Relaxation Botanicals
Legal Hemp Oils and CBD Cannabidiod Products
Legal Online Licensed Pharmacies
How does
Authorize.net or NMI Basic integrate with my Web site? |
Integrating Authorizenet or NMI Basic into your Web
site is simple. You just add a few hypertext markup language
(HTML) tags to the order form on your Web site. See the
Authorize.net or NMI Basic User Manual for full instructions.
How is
GPC International allowed to process credit cards? |
International is a registered service provider for clearing
and settlement institutions that sponsor GPC to enter
MasterCard and Visa transactions into the interchange system.
The settlement banks are our clearing banks and are members of
MasterCard and Visa associations.
Can I be approved if I have bad credit or no credit?
We approve 98% of all merchants. Even if you were closed, shutoff, declined, denied a merchant account from someone else we can offer you an alternative solution that is friendly towards herbal supplement businsses. |
How do I get paid for my transactions processed?
There are four steps to getting your
money initiating, authorizing, completing the transaction and
receiving your funds.
Step 1Initiating the
transaction to verify that a card is active and within the
approved spending limit:
- Brick-and-mortar and retail or restaurant
environments swipe the card or key in the number through a
point-of-sale terminal (i.e., card is physically present). We work with multiple verifone suppliers for cheap and discounted credit card terminals.
- Mail order/telephone order environments enter the card
identifiers the customer has provided you by mail, telephone
or fax (i.e., the card is not present).
- Internet environment Customer provides your Web site
with card identifiers (i.e., card is not present).
Step 2Real-time
authorizing, which reduces chargebacks and catches card-entry
- Credit card number is entered.
- Terminal or software transmits the credit card number
and expiration date and sales total to GPC
- GPC International transmits data to customers
credit card-issuing bank.
- Customers issuing bank approves or declines the
Step 3Completing the
- Merchants terminal or software transmits transaction
details to GPC International in a batch at close of
the herbal supplements or online pharmacy business day.
- GPC International forwards transactions to each
credit card company, which redirects the transactions to
appropriate banks.
- Bank debits credit cardholders account and credits
GPC International.
Step 4Receiving
- GPC International credits your merchant account,
usually within two to four herbal supplements or online pharmacy business days.
When do my transactions get funded? |
Usually within two to three business
days after you submit your batches to GPC
How are funds protected? |
GPC International is equipped to
address the key protection issues of both traditional and
Internet merchants, including fraud, loss prevention and
chargebacks. The company uses state-of-the-art security
technology, and the Authorize.net or NMI Secure Payment Gateway uses
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology designed to help protect
merchant and payment information.
What if I need help with my account? |
GPC International has more than 200
customer service representatives available to serve you 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, in more than 140 languages and
dialects. In addition, Mymerchantoffice.com, GPC
Internationals merchant-dedicated Web site, allows you to
access your merchant account information online at any time,
from any location.